The Way We Live Now    
    Some observations on contemporary society by Junius    

So now we know

Twice disgraced former cabinet minister, Peter Mandelson, says that the Provisional IRA should be regarded as freedom fighters rather than as terrorists. They are, it seems, not destructive just for the hell of it, but very willing to present a political wing empowered to engage in meaningful discussions on the furtherance of their objectives. Essentially Mandy is telling us that if, after the bodies and the rubble have been cleared away, we should find a visiting card inscribed: "if you would like to negotiate, please call Sinn Fein/IRA on freephone 0800... ..." - then that is OK and not really terrorism.

Now in the ordinary way the quaint observations of this pathetic, yet curiously arrogant, little deviant would not be worth repeating. However, on this subject we can be sure that he speaks the minds of all his parliamentary colleagues although not, we are certain, the mind of that mass of mainly decent folk who voted Labour at the last general election.

A prescription for failure

Fraudulent free prescription claims are costing the NHS around £70 million every year: enough to pay for 7,000 heart by-pass operations. And this, despite the formation of a Counter-Fraud Service eighteen months ago. To date, only 19 patients out of 495 suspects have been investigated. and none have been convicted. However, court action is largely concentrated on doctors and pharmacists who steal the most, and four of the latter have been successfully prosecuted. May we appeal to the mass circulation Daily Mail, which once ran a banner headline: ‘Murderers’ above the photos of five men accused, but never found guilty, in the Stephen Lawrence affair, to run a three-inch high headline: ‘swindlers’ above the names and photos of those convicted of stealing our money.

A private opinion

We read that one Paul McCartney, said to be a retired ‘musician’, has written to the Prime Minister urging him to get on with the introduction of legislation which would outlaw hunting with dogs in England and Wales. Just why, we wonder, does this personage imagine that his views and opinions on the subject count for more than yours and mine? As for the hunted, we have always considered Reynard to be a highly intelligent little fellow, and doubt whether he would be too happy if he knew that Mr. McCartney was on his side.


The puppets are being marshalled and told what to say. John Monks, TUC General Secretary, opines that: "delaying a referendum [on the single currency] until after the next election could be disastrous." Mr. Monks has, of course, absolutely no concept of the economic and political repercussions which would follow the demise of the pound sterling. But, being the titular head of our labour movement (please don't laugh!), he has been instructed to warn the faithful of the horrendous job losses to be expected if Britain does not embrace the Euro. Perhaps he should take a trip to prosperous Norway, which is not even a member of the European Union and still controls its own fisheries!

If we had to select someone who knew even less about Euro-land than Mr. Monks it would be hard to ignore the claims of Lib-Dem leader Charles Kennedy. Yet here we have globalism's most outrageous yes-man calling for an all-party Cabinet committee to promote the single currency. He, together with Blair, Brown and renegade Tories Heseltine and Clarke, would hold hands on a "We love the Euro" platform. Is it believable that his supporters have not yet twigged what an utterly useless character this man is? And is he unaware that almost 70 per cent of those supporters would prefer to stay with the pound and economic independence?

The muggers and the mugs

Metropolitan police records show that the use of firearms in muggings is up by 53 per cent, with 667 victims robbed at gunpoint in the period from April to November last year. There were 4,658 muggings in the Met area in November alone, and 150 every day is now the average - which represents a rise of 42 per cent over the previous year, while the total number of gun murders has nearly doubled. MacPherson has opened the floodgates. The police know it. We know it. And the violent criminals know it. We suspect also that Blair knows it, but he is much too busy structuring Britain's role as a "pivotal force for good" across the world scene to get himself distracted by chaos and violence on his own doorstep.

For years, he and others of his ilk have praised our British tolerance and understanding and, where that tolerance could not be relied upon, the outspoken amongst us have been gagged. But surely someone up there is beginning to realise that John Bull is being pushed very close to the end of his tether; that he is sick and tired of being lectured on the 57 varieties of racism; and that, whatever it takes, he is demanding a return to times when the streets of our cities were safe for us all! Instead of dispatching British soldiers all over the globe in futile policing operations the government should declare a state of martial law in any area of our own nation designated as highly dangerous, with military commanders empowered to stamp out, once and for all, the drug culture and its attendant violence. Police, temporarily relieved of their urban duties, could be assigned to rural areas where burglary is on the increase. NB. On no account should householders themselves shoot or harm intruders as this will result in a prison sentence. For them!

In the shadow of St. Paul's

Provincial folk who have not visited the capital for a long while, and then get to take a ten-minute ride anywhere on the London Underground, will be shocked at what they see and lucky if their pockets are still full before the end of the journey. But don't take our word for it. Listen to what are described as "two pieces of Moscow scum" in a book which is selling like hot cakes in Russia. Sergei Sakin's Bigger than Ben is a thieves' guide to the metropolis which explains how to run up overdrafts, get student loans without paying them back, exploit mobile phone credit schemes, steal from supermarkets, travel free on the tube, obtain drugs and sleep in airport departure lounges. The locals - that's us - are contemptuously referred to as robots.

But, of course, we are not complaining specifically about Russians. This book could, sadly have been written almost anywhere in the world. Multi-cultural Britain is a nightmare, despite all the sharing/caring luvy-duvy nonsense that you may read and hear elsewhere. And the natives have had enough!

But no-one will heed them until they turn their backs on the shrinking violets who pretend to rule Britain, and give the job of government to real men who know what needs to be done - and will do it!

Eurowatch Part 2

"It works! It works! You'll have to join us now." This was the naive and incredibly silly exhortation that floated across the Channel from Brussels following the more or less successful introduction of euro notes and coin in the twelve participating countries. Well, there would have been a few red faces around if it had not worked, as we understand that the launch cost a cool £l4 billions of fruitlessly wasted taxpayers' money. In fact, the case for staying out is all that much stronger - if we listen to no less a figure than Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission, who observed that: "There is no escape hatch for countries wanting to leave EMU after having joined, even if they subsequently find that it is not compatible with their economies. It's a definite marriage. You cannot leave the euro zone once you're in." We salute Mr. Prodi for his candour. Will Blair and all the others be equally truthful in the run-up to a referendum?

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